Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Art Technology - T1, Lesson One!

Today for Art Technology we were experimenting with water colour paints. First, we used dots of paint, some water and our paintbrushes to experiment with different lines, swirls, designs and patterns. 

After having an experiment, we reflected on what we had learned about using watercolour paints. 

  • Don't let the paint dry!
  • Yellow blends well with other colours
  • Don't put too much water on
  • Blending the colours makes it look more real
  • My favourite colours were the maroon, and yellow water colours
  • If you twist the paintbrush, it soaks up the water
  • The paint dries fast
  • Blending colours is very fun
  • Using different techniques makes different styles
After our reflection, we went onto our piece of artwork. 
  1. Creating perspective with hills (sketching)
  2. Creating perspective with trees (sketching)
  3. Adding shades of green and yellow with water to create different shades of green (light to dark)

  4. Adding shade of brown (with accents of yellow and black) to trees to add realism.
  5. Adding sky - reds, oranges.
We then reflected on what parts of our artwork we liked, and which parts we need to practice.

Look at some of our amazing work!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Independent Classwork

What a fantastic surprise to have a brilliant student from Mrs Sharma's class come to show me her artwork!

Hope had completed her mixed media art to a high standard within her set time frame. Well done Hope!

It is SUCH a pleasure to see amazing art being completed all around Tamaki Primary School :>

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Oil Paint Chaos!

WALT explore the new art media of oil paint!


  • Oil Paint
  • Card Strips
  • Square Card Base
  • Palettes (we use folded newspaper)

1. Explanation about the important things to know when it comes to working with oil paint.
  • Coming off clothing
  • Coming off hands
  • Smell
  • Textured Quality
2. Children to come into room, taking a piece of newspaper, and a square of card. Name on back of card.

3. Children to gather around teachers table. Teacher to model taking three blobs of oil paint from the set up table, and putting them onto the palette. Teacher to model using strips of card to spread colours onto the base card, using sweeping slashes to create texture.

4. Children to try for themselves - they may use as many colours as they want, but it can look more effective with lighter colours on the top. 

5. Find somewhere sensible for the card to dry. It can take up to a week.